Your average score is HIGH already, so by reading this report you will learn more about flow to be able to start designing your life around flow, accomplishing ten times more in your career, make more money and have more fun in the process.
By using the analogy of entering in flow with the ability of making a spinning top stay upright you can see that you need a burst of energy from the top to create rotation and this is connected to movement. This initial spark is connected with divine forces of inspiration and we call it INSIGHT FLOW.
The opposite side of the spinning top is the MIND FLOW, which needs to be solid and have a sharp end to hold all the weight and allow a smooth spinning experience.
So the initial focus to improve flow is on the spinning top axis which is connected to activities that you perform without having to talk. The INSIGHT FLOW is all about the awareness that mind and body should be challenged together. Creating a routine to exercise or to develop a spiritual practice is a very powerful source of creativity at the office. Engaging in movement is a flow primer and a part of the flow cycle where you relax your conscious mind redirecting your attention away from your challenge to let your subconscious work while you have fun.
If INSIGHT FLOW is connected with divine inspiration, MIND FLOW is grounded on learning and thinking.
MIND FLOW is about finding satisfaction while solving complex problems and thinking new ideas. You have the power to be highly focused if you are acting out of a powerful flow trigger called curiosity. When you are curious you don’t waste energy getting distracted or trying to focus because curiosity gives you focus for free and it can unfold into a passion.
So learning about flow itself is fundamental to give you awareness to recognise a flow experience and also create flow pockets by utilising flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers to stay in flow for longer. MIND FLOW is also about learning how to learn faster to increase the amount of information you can gain from the ever changing environment, technological developments and trends.
So, to have more flow in life we recommend you introduce a few selected activities in your life so you can pay attention to the process of entering and staying in flow. It is important to gamify the process to create the neuropathways of flow that will be reinforced when you trigger flow for cognitive performance.
The next step is to increase the Rev Up Flow while introducing activities that involve out loud communication in the form of CONNECT FLOW and EXPRESS FLOW.
All four flow styles are connected and you will benefit from improving their overall score. Read on to understand what flow really is and how to create flow pockets every day.
Although entering the flow state is highly desirable, there is a lot of mystery surrounding the access to flow, as this is a new field of peak cognitive performance that is starting to be validated by science.
On average, knowledge workers spend only 5% of their time at work in flow, if they are luck enough, so most of the time they are distracted or on autopilot, performing way below their capabilities.
This report will describe what are the characteristics of a flow experience so you can start noticing when you flow and it will show you that it is possible to design your life around flow and achieve what was once impossible in your career while improving life satisfaction.
This assessment results will show you how to increase the incidence of flow during your working hours to boost your productivity by up to 500%.
Yes, this figure is incredibly high but it is the result of a 10-year study run by McKinsey & Company, which is the biggest Management Consulting company in the world, with revenue of US$10+billion, serving two-thirds of the Fortune 1000. They found out that:
“Top Executives Increase Productivity By Up To 500% When In Flow”
The best thing is that creativity is highly impacted by flow too and some studies indicate that it can be increased by 230 to 700%. Not bad, if you take into account that creativity is almost impossible to train and it is the most sought after skill in the market place.
Although your score is HIGH, you need to understand how to start causing flow and we suggest you start paying attention to INSIGHT FLOW and MIND FLOW, as they are the axis of flow and together they will enhance your knowledge about what flow is, and only when you give name to the various parts of a flow experience that you will start noticing them happening as they will now have meaning and will be able to be measured.
A basic premise of entering flow is that it always demand a growth mindset, and this implies that someone is curious and interested in learning and developing themselves. It demands certain conditions otherwise your spinning top will move in circles but hardly ever stands up.
So the first natural step is to learn more about flow itself which is related to MIND FLOW.
The moment it starts spinning your sense of time disappears.
You are sitting on your own goldmine and striking gold from time to time, but you are usually digging for gold at the wrong spot as you don’t know about the best tools and the science to guide you on finding gold day in day out.
Most people have a very vague idea about flow, thinking that if they are doing something that is in line with their highest talent, they will be taking the path of least resistance, will perform well and will be trusted on delivering a high quality service while experiencing flow.
Although all of that is essential to enter in the zone, you need to understand that to flow more often and for longer you will have to push your skills to match a high challenge level in such a way that you will keep breaking your own records as you look for bigger challenges to be accomplished.
The goldmine map is all about creating a game to finding the optimum ratio between skill and challenge level so you stretch but don't snap.
As you scored differently on the four styles of flow, our recommendation is that you develop a flow game by choosing new activities that you want to explore on each style to be able to apply the flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is considered the godfather of flow and he created the skill and challenge square that shows that even for the styles of flow that you scored high, to achieve flow you will need to do something difficult but possible to stretch your abilities without snapping. As you can see, to enter in flow you will be psychologically challenged without getting either too anxious or too in control or bored. For this reason we have four lists of suggested activities that have various degrees of difficulty to suit your actual level of competency.
So your flow game in its basic form would need challenges to stretch your skill level. You will track your progress in a chart for your 7-day Challenge for a selected number of activities.
The implementation will create Mini-Flow Cycles for each activity you choose if you calibrate it right and will give you important insights.
If you decide to do more than your target you will have the opportunity to notice flow arising and with a proper feedback system you will be able to use the learning to expand your control and create many flow pockets during your days. .
While in FLOW you Play a Game of doing something difficult and possible.
Your sense of time disappears.
You forget yourself.
You feel part of something larger.
When you drop in FLOW you can listen the call for adventure, expand your career, make more money and have fun in the process.
FLOW is one of the most powerful human experiences. Knowing more about FLOW you will be able to enter the altered state of consciousness behind most insights, breakthroughs and discoveries.
Not knowing what makes you drop in FLOW and
ignoring the power of FLOW amplification
Fight over dwindling resources.
Flee to avoid becoming somebody else's resources.
Get Creative to cooperate to Innovate to create more resources.
Everything to fight, flee or create new resources.
That's the package available if you learn how to FLOW.
Evolution is trying to solve the problem of Resources Scarcity with a state of Peak Performance.
The word flow was mostly used by action and adventure sports athletes, who routinely and loudly proclaim that without flow they cannot do their jobs. Members of US Special Forces also rely on flow to perform as individuals and as a group. Artist trust on getting into flow to create or present their creations.
What is fascinating is that creativity is a skill that is almost impossible to be taught, but can be unlocked by people that enter in the zone, and often times the brand new idea happens when you are not working at the problem. You might remember that the theory of gravity was envisioned while Sir Isaac Newton was hit by an apple while walking in nature, Archimedes' legendary ‘Eureka!’ moment happened while taking a bath in a tub, and Steve Jobs favourite way to hold a meeting was a walk meeting.
You are probably reading this test results to improve cognitive peak performance so it is fundamental to understand that the synergy to break records or to win Nobel Prizes is deeply connected to uniting body and mind at such a high level that we call it Divine Flow. Studies by the Flow Research Collective and Harvard Review demonstrate that flow can boost creativity by between 230 and 700%. It also makes a lot of sense to think that entering this altered state of consciousness is key to most insights, breakthroughs and discoveries.
When we talk about Divine we are talking about connecting to a muse or finding inspiration that transcend any rationalisation which will unfold into something that will surprise the creator themselves, but it will also fill them up with a lot of certainty that the creation will exceed expectations. A book writer has a vague idea of the end of the book and often times they describe that the book writes itself through them. The process of creating a painting might also be described as a download from heavens. Practice alone doesn’t explain inspiration and gold medals at the Olympic Games or daredevil know the intrinsic magic of being a genius too. For this reason the INSIGHT FLOW unite and support three other flow styles that are MIND FLOW, CONNECT FLOW AND EXPRESS FLOW.
It’s important to notice that entering in flow while being active and quiet will strengthen the same neuropathways that will bring cognitive peak performance to your life.
The result from a 10-year study by McKinsey shows that executives in flow are 500% more productive, so we expect you to find your flow more often and become 500% more productive on an ongoing basis.
For most of us entering in flow is very mysterious and we only notice that we were flowing after we get out of it, or perhaps you just think you had a great day at work and can not identify a flow experience.
By understanding the conditions to attract flow and the characteristics of a flow experience you will be able to identify the kind of activities that you can easily enter in the zone, so you can observe the transition and reinforce the neuropathways that will lead to flow on a wide variety of activities.
Depending on the duration of a flow experience you will be able to enter:
The hardest thing is not to enter in flow but to notice you entered it without making a fuss, otherwise you can get straight out of it. You should be calm, focused on the task at hand and connected to the present moment like you are practicing an active meditation.
The first step of entering flow works at an individual basis and it is followed by learning about group flow that can be noticed while a sports team play in harmony. Office workers can also achieve group flow as a collective experience where each member support and prompt others to flow and achieve the highest level of performance as a team.
INSIGHT FLOW is active and quiet which means that it is connected to performing an activity that involves your body and very little verbal communication.
It could manifest while finding the solution to the problem you've been working for days while walking to get your car or while taking a shower.
The INSIGHT FLOW is also linked to mastering the exercise of your choice that can go from radical sports to yoga, Tai Chi or even a wide variety of meditation styles.
Deliberate practice can free the monkey mind and liberate unconscious thinking while active. It can also be a fundamental piece of the puzzle in the flow cycle at the Release Phase.
A flow cycle has four phases and it starts with the struggle phase which might involve research, repetitive tasks, confusion and random sparks of inspiration. Then you have the release phase, where you take your mind out of the problem and rest your conscious mind while your unconscious is working. The release phase precedes a broad flow experience and it could be to engage on a practice of structured physical activity.
Another focus of INSIGHT FLOW is during religious and mystic practices which can trigger group flow and can extend to the act of voluntarily helping others which is one of the most powerful flow experiences that can last many days and it is called ‘helpers high’. Many volunteers travel great distances and endure hardship to find this unique and awe transforming experiences.
The wider dimension of Insight Flow is creating art in all its shapes and forms. Art combines powerful flow primers and flow triggers including the search for novelty which can be very addictive and liberating.
While connecting with art your actions and awareness merge, time disappears and your sense of self vanishes. You might feel guided or connected to a muse that makes the work effortless which boosts intrinsic motivation as you develop a powerful sense of control while you move forward on your creation.
The brain spends high amounts of energy to focus but when you are curious about your potential to create you get focused for free, which means that you can enter in the zone without having to force yourself to focus, and if you know how to harness your curiosity you will be creating and developing your passion, which is very different from the elusive ‘knowing what your passion is’.
There are three dimensions for Insight Flow to be expressed and they are Spiritual, Intellectual and Physical.
If you learn how to heighten the challenge and skill balance in the right way, you will be deliberately creating the circumstances to enter in the zone.
By learning how to gamify the process you will start expanding your experimentation and will create the ideal scenario for flow to manifest.
Learn how to identify activities to expand your power as you choose mini-challenges that have four bout levels, which are Baby steps, Give it a go, Get Bold and Dare.
By choosing the right bout level you will be prompted to enter mini-flow cycles, and as you keep track of the results and notice how you react to flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers, you will find your bespoke recipe for entering in flow in many areas.
MIND FLOW is mental and quiet which means that it is linked to performing an activity that involves intellectual pursuits in a solo pursuit.
It is comprised of high focus activities on the continuous loop of learning, improving and sharing. This style of flow is related to creativity, innovation and abstraction. Maybe you feel a deep connection to the world but lack more intense personal interaction as you live most of your days in your mind.
If you are more of a creative type you will understand the benefits of structuring your day around flow, creating discipline to avoid waiting for inspired moments or invoke your muse to help you develop your writing projects or artistic skills.
Flow can become more achievable if you plan to achieve it and create routines. Some of the primers and triggers that will help you on your quest for flow are the search for novelty and creativity that can build momentum and guide you towards transcendence.
A powerful flow trigger is curiosity and it can bring effortless focus to your life and your career without having to demand that your brain focuses on a certain project. When you add experimentation to the process you trigger the risk factor that can help you enormously to achieve flow. For example if you are curious about meditation practices and you decide to try some of them you will risk failure, boredom and wasting time, so if on top of that you decide to spend money to learn you will become even more focused because not wasting money will raise your interest in succeeding and enhance flow.
While developing your artistic self to find out what is a suitable way to express yourself artistically you will have to choose something almost randomly to try, persist for a while and struggle to get going, only to see your actions and awareness merge, time disappear and your sense of self vanish. You might feel guided while drawing or playing a song or connected to a muse if you decide to write fiction or non-fiction alike.
You will notice that you will start developing intense concentration which will lead to flow and your creativity will start bringing lateral thinking to express ideas in a new way. It will all make so much sense if you persist and take the time to select the good ideas amongst all that pour out from your mind.
Planing and solving work related problems can trigger flow if you try to raise your game and if there is a lot at stake. Time pressure can also be beneficial because it drives free focus to the task at hand until completion. Imposed focus at work can be very taxing but when you are working for a higher cause you develop focus for free which makes the work effortless. Having autonomy at work is a flow trigger that can boosts intrinsic motivation as you develop a powerful sense of control and feel confident to take the risks necessary to see your projects blossom.
Not surprising is the fact that playing games can make you enter in the zone quite quickly. It can function as a scape from the reality but it represents life itself as we are constantly playing games as we assume different personas depending on the environment we are in. Children entertain themselves with games and gamification is becoming the science behind motivation to boost grades at school and performance at work all over the world. So seeing the world as a playground can help you become more adventurous while helping others develop a more pro-active personality to create a new game for themselves instead of only watching movies or playing pre-loaded games in their spare time.
MIND FLOW activities are also divided in three dimensions that are Spiritual, Intellectual and Physical.
Learn how to identify activities to expand your power as you choose mini-challenges that have four bout levels, which are Baby steps, Give it a go, Get Bold and Dare.
By choosing the right bout level you will be prompted to enter mini-flow cycles, and as you keep track of the results and notice how you react to flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers, you will find your bespoke recipe for entering in flow in many areas.
Discover Your Flow State Scorecard assessment had many questions about your preferential ways of learning and also enquired about the number of books you read per year. No mater if you read two or 15 non-fiction books in the last 12 months, we investigate and test the best ways to help you stay engaged with learning to be able to foresee trends, became a change agent and disrupt your market.
The Wealth Dynamics profiling test is particularly helpful to identify your best learning style and will support you to find the best books that will excite your curiosity and inspire you to keep learning.
Nowadays the pace of change is accelerating exponentially and just watching videos on youtube or taking online courses will not cut it. It’s important to enrol on self directed learning to explore the new possibilities available to you and create a niche to build your wealth.
The most powerful tool to learn and go deeper on any field of knowledge is the skill of blasting through books with confidence which is represented by a diamond at the very bottom of your spinning top. It will diminish friction and make you spin faster.
On our programmes we initially focus on coaching people how to start READING IN FLOW, to develop their focus and reading speed to enter in flow and ignite their passion for reading books. Audio books are excellent but they are passive as you wait for the information to come to you in a certain order. READING IN FLOW is active and the better you learn how to change gears to speed up and slow down, the best your flexibility to skip around to find what is relevant to you and ignore much of the padding.
HUMANS IN FLOW is an EdTech company and by working with GeniusU we are supporting people to find their strength, get in flow, grow personally and create successful businesses.
Make learning a life long passion and you will see your career being reshaped as you narrow down your niche, or become an entrepreneur, join an entrepreneur on a side project or become a successful investor.
We believe that you build passions by finding the intersection of curiosity and experimentation. You will have a pathway to start researching areas of interest and settling on an interesting activity based on our 300+ suggestions for your flow expansion. You will structure a mini-challenge that will create a mini-flow cycles and you will learn a lot about flow in the process.
CONNECT FLOW is mental and loud, which means that it is linked to performing an activity that involves intellectual pursuits with full-on communication and feedback.
By being interactive you are focused on the continuous loop of learning and teaching. Many people are professional teachers that repeat themselves endlessly without experiencing much flow. But if you teach what you want to learn you will be risking your reputation as you enter unknown territory which is a powerful flow trigger. The brain spends high amounts of energy to focus but when you are curious about something you get focused for free, which means that you can enter in the zone without having to force yourself to focus, and if you know how to harness your curiosity you will be creating and developing your passion.
You might be finding flow while tutoring, coaching, teaching or presenting on a big stage, which explains why so many introverts can step on a stage in front of thousands
of people or deliver a FaceBook live session to millions. It’s all down to understanding that in flow there are no limits and the knowledge just pours from you as you use the perfect combination of words to impact your audience.
Interactive learning can also make you flow as you have the freedom to question your teacher. The same concept transfers to business when you have autonomy to discuss new projects and are inspired to participate actively while risking your career if you are too bold in the wrong direction. Nevertheless risk is a powerful flow trigger.
Other activities that can bring you CONNECT FLOW are brainstorming, masterminding and also creating multimedia as they can also be very entertaining.
There is a fine balance between time spent learning, teaching and exposing your projects to the world and implementing them for maximum growth and achievement. If you learn more you are also responsible for teaching more to make a positive impact in the world and leave a legacy.
There are three dimensions for CONNECT FLOW to be expressed and they are Spiritual, Intellectual and Physical.
Learn how to identify activities to expand your power as you choose mini-challenges that have four bout levels, which are Baby steps, Give it a go, Get Bold and Dare.
By choosing the right bout level you will be prompted to enter mini-flow cycles, and as you keep track of the results and notice how you react to flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers, you will find your bespoke recipe for entering in flow in many areas.
EXPRESS FLOW is active and loud which means that it is connected to performing an activity that involves your body, full-on communication and feedback.
As it is interactive it is primarily connected with beauty and fun. For example, romance and seduction can bring you flow and even before you have any interaction with your crush or loved one you probably entered in flow while preparing yourself to go out by buying outfits or grooming yourself.
You could have had a challenging week at work and suddenly the phone rings and a friend invites you to an exciting gathering. In a mater of seconds your mood changes, you feel inspired to finish a report before leaving the office and preparing yourself for an event that will happen within a week. Serendipity might start to happen as you prepare a little speech, research about the people that will attend the event and even enter in the zone for hours on end while gathering your thoughts to improve your website as it can play a crucial role when you meet all those influencers at the event and life will never be the same. The phone call you received was embedded with flow triggers like novelty, high consequences and creativity.
As you triggered flow by taking many risks while choosing your style and outfit for the party, you enter the room and take more risks by approaching people you don’t know and even telling a joke.
As you find likeminded people and start opening your heart to a total stranger your actions and awareness merge, time disappears and your sense of self vanishes. You might develop a powerful sense of control as you express your passions and sell your services in the most professional and subtle way to get a response and a brand new client.
The brain spends high amounts of energy to focus but when you are curious about something you get focused for free, which means that you can enter in the zone without having to force yourself to focus. Being interested in other people can be a powerful way to enter in flow and get what you want.
Whenever you embark on an adventure by going on holidays or just traveling you get out of your comfort zone and take risks, which are flow triggers that are enhanced even further if you are going to parties or participating in games.
Being competitive in sports and placing bets or gambling can be very addictive and conducive to flow because of powerful flow triggers that include fear and high consequences.
Another interesting facet of EXPRESS FLOW is by engaging in charitable activities or events, as you connect with people of diverse backgrounds and social levels which can induce the helpers high, which can last many days of flow.
Learn how to identify activities to expand your power as you choose mini-challenges that have four bout levels, which are Baby steps, Give it a go, Get Bold and Dare.
By choosing the right bout level you will be prompted to enter mini-flow cycles, and as you keep track of the results and notice how you react to flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers, you will find your bespoke recipe for entering in flow in many areas.
Your spinning top cannot spin floating in the air, if you want to manifest the impossible in your world. You need to manifest extra time to generate more flow in your life.
To find balance while introducing all your dream activities into your 7-Day Challenge you need to take something away from your routine to stay motivated and able to create many flow pockets during your day.
That's why you need to understand the HOLIDAY FLOW and FORFEIT FLOW.
The HOLIDAY FLOW will help you create extra time in your day by unfreezing time taken by habits that keep occupying your days, just by default and the FORFEIT FLOW will give you extra motivation to achieve your challenges as it acts as the stick to counterbalance all the carrots you are introducing in your 7-Day Challenge.
To materialise all the actions that you can introduce into your life you need more time in your day, so HOLIDAY FLOW creates this time and functions as the receptacle of the spinning top's diamond.
As you are introducing new activities in your 7-Day Challenge, and you don’t want to be overloaded with too much to do, we've created the concept of HOLIDAY FLOW so you will develop the perspective to stop doing certain activities that are part of your routine to find the necessary balance in your life as you include new activities in your days. You will start noticing that if you plan not to watch the news twice a week you will create two extra hours that can be used to play your infinite game and your life will not be affected by the withdraw of that particular habit.
HOLIDAY FLOW is a flow paradox because it causes flow indirectly and also makes you wake up for the choices you are making unconsciously.
I’m sure that you could stop for two days any of these activities without a strong drawback or withdraw symptoms. Think of stopping with movies for two days, no news, not watching sports or soap operas on TV, or perhaps no TV at all for two days. No alcohol or perhaps no pornography for two days will give you extra energy to dedicate to more fulfilling activities.
The list is endless and you usually don’t even think of stopping any of these activities because it doesn’t have a time frame attached to it. The moment you decide on not doing something for a certain number of days during your 7-Day Challenge the motivation immediately arises, specially if you have a coach or an accountability buddy to keep you on track and detox your mind.
The sacred alliance of marriage is widely represented by a vow and a gold ring. Although the union of two souls that commit themselves to care for each other for life is a reason for great celebration and happiness, it create strong boundaries and limitations on a previously carefree and single life.
Every action and inaction has consequences so we introduce you to FORFEIT FLOW that has the role of helping you create your code of honour in your flow game to make you stronger as you exercise the muscle of sticking to a decision.
If you work with mini-flow cycles that last seven days you will find freedom to play different games and make your flow neural pathways stronger, so we invite you to write your own ‘Code of Honour’ and enhance trust on all your relationships, including the relationship with yourself.
Successful people are running as fast towards achieving their goals as they are running away from something else they want to avoid. Research also shows that you are three times more likely to achieve a goal if you have money at stake.
Some of the activities that you could decide to introduce as a HOLIDAY FLOW might be hard to let go and could suit you better if introduced as a FORFEIT FLOW.
This is the price to pay if you don’t accomplish all the challenges you set up to achieve. Even though you have total freedom to choose pleasure inducing challenges, you might need that extra push of having to pay a price for not achieving what you had committed to achieve.
The Torus is a primary shape in existence and the three-Torus model is a cosmological model that describes the shape of the universe as a dynamic three-dimensional torus that expands and contracts simultaneously.
Entering in flow has a side effect that I call GIFTED FLOW which is manifested by receiving meaningful gifts like a karmic response for all the good things you’ve been doing while pursuing your Massively Transformative Purpose. It is also the development of the ability to notice serendipity happening in your life.
Serendipity is not only a sign that you’ve learned how to tap into higher energy levels, it opens your perception to start searching for synchronicities and this attitude produces lateral thinking and boost creativity, as you start connecting old ideas in new ways and produce even more breakthroughs.
Being grateful is a powerful flow primer. As you recognise how lucky and abundant you are the more goodness comes to you.
GIFTED FLOW is represented here by the Torus continuous vertical movement of energy creation that links back to Einstein’s insight that 'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.’
This is the unexpected reach of your Massively Transformative Purpose. Your actions build momentum attracting more people to join your movement which will keep unfolding even without you.
LEGACY FLOW has a head of its own and has the power to make a dent in the universe as each action has a butterfly effect beyond any expectations.
This energy will hopefully make you want to keep going and serving others to contribute to a better world until the very end. If you get the taste of LEGACY FLOW you will not want to retire, and this very ambition will extend your life by a few decades as it can be observed at communities around the world that are beating the records of longevity.
The highest expression of flow is named GOLD FLOW as it combines all the flow you can achieve.
GOLD FLOW is represented by the combination of the Torus which is the mathematical fingerprint of God, the singularity and total perfection with your spinning top and your commitments.
The Torus is the key of vortex based mathematics which is the representation of the universes that we can conceive with our infinite imagination, which is magic by default.
As you can see, now it is all down to you to make magic happen!
Now it is time to mention the power of the Wealth Dynamics system when you try to introduce the flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers because each profile has a different set of motivators to unlock flow.
The Wealth Dynamics profile is an excellent guide to direct your energy to find flow by identifying your path of least resistance as you get clear about your value and the best ways to leverage it.
This clarity will help you decide on how to prepare your day to deliberately create flow pockets. If you design your day around flow you will be able to enter a flow bubble and stay in flow the whole day and if you find the flow architecture to implement the flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers you might be able to stay several days in flow and experience what a flow capsule is.
It’s all within your reach if you learn how to observe and track your flow moments while introducing innovation into your life as you see serendipity happening over and over again, just to assure you are in the right track.
Life is a miracle and if you realise that you can play multiple games, you will be able to enjoy the challenges instead of getting stressed out.
It’s all about magnifying your powers to enter the infinite game. So, will you dare to embark on an unforgettable journey and become your own hero?
Thank you for taking the time to take the Discover your Flow State Scorecard assessment and read this report.
Now it is time to understand and harness your power to plan your day around flow to have much more
energy and focus to accomplish the impossible. As you start to identify those magic moments, you will start to track them more vividly and will make them happen on a daily basis.
Understand how to start entering in deep flow while connecting to your Wealth Dynamics profile.
Book your Free Debrief session with Zander today if you haven’t done it yet.
The debrief is valued at $170 but as you are one of the very first to join the Beta Version it will be entirely Free.
During this 30 to 45 minute session you will clarify what is your best path to enter in flow.
FREE debrief available for the first 30 bookings.
The Discover your Flow State Scorecard assessment focuses on identifying the best activities, from a range of 300+ primary activities, that can make you drop in flow.
You will experiment entering in flow while introducing flow primers, flow triggers and flow keepers to find your bespoke flow pathway that can support new flow experiences.
With our ‘Drop In Flow Like A Pro’ 4-week Programme (Beta version) you will be able to use gamification to build a reliable framework not only to work in flow but also to create flow during your leisure time and explore exciting new experiences to ignite your creativity.
Join the ‘Drop in Flow Like a Pro’ programme to be able to play a flow game at its highest level and it will transform your business and your life while giving you lots of energy all the time.
If you are a coach or consultant you will also learn invaluable information that you can teach to your clients and team members to improve their creativity and productivity.
Click below to learn more about the programme.
Humans In Flow is Europe’s leading cognitive peak performance coaching and consulting company, founded by Innovator and Author, Zander Garcez.
The core principle behind Humans In Flow is that humans are built to overcome big challenges, achieve their greatest dreams and accessing the state of flow is evolution’s solution for natural selection. We believe that if you learn how to challenge yourself in a way that will open the gateway to a flow filled life you will find more pleasure while working and will achieve what was once an impossible dream.
We work in partnership with the Entrepreneurs Institute which is the world’s leading EdTech group listed in the New York Stock Exchange, with a community of over 500,000 entrepreneurs around the world. It was founded by Futurist, Social Entrepreneur & New York Times Bestselling Author, Roger James Hamilton.
Find out more about Zander at the GeniusU platform:
Once you have completed the first quest, consider joining us as a Humans In Flow Consultant to guide others through their Flow State quest or integrate flow principles with your own training and coaching by joining our Entrepreneurs Institute Partner Pathway.
Please send an email to Zander to book a discovery session with him or one of our Flow Igniters and discuss the best options available to you.
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