Reading is the foundation of all sciences, but where can you learn the science of reading and become an exceptional reader like the best in the field?
If you think back, you might realize that you stopped actively learning how to improve your reading before your 10th birthday because your teacher assumed you would naturally develop your reading skills. Unfortunately, that assumption isn't always accurate.
Some individuals read two or three times faster than the average person, but they often struggle to explain their techniques to others, hindering the spread of efficient reading methods.
Our mission is to simplify and create new strategies that unlock the state of flow during reading. We aim to hold each other accountable and document performance improvements, thereby pioneering the Science of Reading in Flow.
We envision a world where individuals can double their reading performance, allowing them to fully enjoy books and become enthusiastic life-long learners.
Unlock Super-Human Reading Speed.
Become part of our multi-disciplinary hub to develop and test the science of reading at lightning-fast speed. Stop wasting time and join the elite learners who can grasp anything in half the time.
Simply Reading in Flow
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Productivity spikes 500% in FLOW
- 10-year Study at McKinsey & Company
490% faster skill acquisition in FLOW
- Research at DARPA & Advanced Brain Monitoring
Creativity increases by 700% in FLOW
- Studies at Harvard and Flow Genome Project
430% increase in creative problem solving in FLOW
- Study at the University of Sydney
3 days of heightened creativity after the FLOW STATE
- Study at Harvard Business Review
The number one management metric you need to know is 'FLOW STATE percentage'.
- Forbes Magazine
Being able to control and harness this feeling of FLOW is the holy grail for any manager.
- Fast Company Magazine
While each of these phenomena can be experienced independently, when they all show up together—that’s flow.
The doer and the doing become one. From the perspective of consciousness, we become the action. In other words, actions feel automatic and require little or no additional resources.
Our sense of self disappears. Our sense of self-consciousness as well. The inner critic is silenced.
We experience an altered perception of time. Past and future disappear and we are plunged into an eternal present, a deep now.
Our sense of struggle and strife vanishes. The experience becomes intrinsically-rewarding or—in technical parlance—“autotelic.”
We have a powerful sense of control over the situation. We are captain of our own ship; master of this small slice of destiny.
The experience is intrinsically motivating. We do it for love not money. We do it because the activity itself is so incredibly enthralling that it’s its own reward.
More specifically, intense concentration on a limited field of information. Total focus on the right here, right now. Complete absorption in the present moment.
The challenge of the task at hand slightly exceeds our skill set so we have to push ourselves outside our comfort zone. But not too far outside. We have to stretch, not snap.
These are not big goals rather they are much smaller chunks. What’s critical is we know what we’re doing now and we know what we’re doing next so attention can stay focused in the present.
The gap between cause and effect is tiny—so we can always course-correct mid-flight.
Discover how challenges act as potent triggers for flow, propelling you to reach new heights and thrive.
As trainers, mentors, consultants, and educators, we must continually innovate to thrive in the new economy's disruptive landscape.
Unlock the power of flow. Achieve anything with speed, precision, and endless growth.
Join our community and propel the science of flow, mastering the art of reading like the world's best readers, and experiencing flow daily.
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