Productivity spikes 500% in FLOW
- 10-year Study at McKinsey & Company
490% faster skill acquisition in FLOW
- Research at DARPA & Advanced Brain Monitoring
Creativity increases by 700% in FLOW
- Studies at Harvard and Flow Genome Project
430% increase in creative problem solving in FLOW
- Study at the University of Sydney
3 days of heightened creativity after the FLOW STATE
- Study at Harvard Business Review
The number one management metric you need to know is 'FLOW STATE percentage'.
- Forbes Magazine
Being able to control and harness this feeling of FLOW is the holy grail for any manager.
- Fast Company Magazine
New date to be availble soon.
Limited to 20 places per session.
Limited to 20 places per session. JOIN NOW!
Fields of biotechnology double five times faster than Moore’s Law, by doubling in power every four months.
You will learn how to leverage your innate talents by understanding the effect of neuroanatomy, networks, neuroelectricity and neurochemistry.
Your brain can produce five of the most powerful chemicals simultaneously, and flow is probably the only time this cocktail is released at once in your bloodstream.
You will be impacted by norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, anandamide and endorphins. The results are measurable.
You will find pleasure by using your mind to amplify focus, increase pattern recognition and develop lateral thinking. This way, you will take more risks and develop your assertiveness at work and have fun in the process.
Flow is fundamental in life, and if you want to lead a team efficiently, you will benefit from learning how the Navy Seals and gold medallists are fine-tuning their craft to achieve incredible results with less effort.
You have been experiencing flow when you are super productive and have the best ideas, but you have no control to get into flow or to stay in flow for longer.
We can guide you on your quest in search of the ultimate performance that will transform the way you use your brain by increasing your creative powers and enable you to win again and again.
Reading is the quickest way to digest complex information, but there are no benchmarks for adults to read. Some people will read one page in one minute while others can read three pages in the same minute.
I help executives avoid burnout by showing them how to develop razor-sharp focus to find the right information in half the time and start reading in flow. We measure the results to calculate the Return On Investment (ROI).
Develop the power to hold focus and be super efficient to think faster without straining. In fact my clients relax their mind to focus, get in flow faster and end up enjoying reading more books. They usually double or treble their reading performance while boosting creativity to improve their game.
How likely are you to get in Flow?
Book your Private Flow Path Consultation and ask all your questions about getting in Flow.
Zander found out that when you combine hard work with an altered state of consciousness, you can exponentially expand the boundaries of what is possible in life and business, while enhancing energy levels.
Over the last 17 years, Zander trained thousands of professionals and achieved incredible results with executives from companies such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, KPMG, PwC, and many more.
Zander created the most comprehensive study to achieve intellectual flow, and he ignites people’s passion for learning and thinking creatively to innovate and find lasting satisfaction while practicing sports.
Every new interaction brings the opportunity to expand your life.
Zander reached out to connect with people he admires, and against the odds, his bold requests were well received. Using the flow state principles, he started to create synchronicity and opened the hidden doors that lead to success.
Our training involves new experiences and bold requests. As a result, new friendships and insights will put you in motion to a more daring and prosperous future.
"You gave me the why, not just the what."
Jim Albert
Managing Director IT
Adecco UK
"I like the science behind things too, so it was nice to have it explained."
Nicola Horton
Director Sanctions Operations
Barclays Bank UK
"Very interesting."
Karim L.
JP Morgan UK
"Taught me about the key areas I need to focus on to improve comprehension and speed."
Sherjeel Ahmed
Vice-President Finance
Barclays Bank UK
1.To spike your productivity by up to 500%, feel full of energy all the time and improve at your chosen sport. (according to a 10-year McKinsey study, executives in flow are 500% more productive)
2. To learn how to develop a laser-like focus to double your reading performance and rekindle the pleasure that books can give you while enabling you to blast through your social media and documents with confidence.
3. Feel powerful to access the flow state instead of entering in the zone only by chance and raise your energy levels to develop your personal growth mindset.
4. Learn how to become more creative at sports and in life by accessing the flow state. So when you start tracking your progress you will make a quantum leap and connect to your super powers on an ongoing basis.
5. Learn how to exercise your flow muscle to find new ways to innovate in life and have more fun.
While each of these phenomena can be experienced independently, when they all show up together—that’s flow.
The doer and the doing become one. From the perspective of consciousness, we become the action. In other words, actions feel automatic and require little or no additional resources.
Our sense of self disappears. Our sense of self-consciousness as well. The inner critic is silenced.
We experience an altered perception of time. Past and future disappear and we are plunged into an eternal present, a deep now.
Our sense of struggle and strife vanishes. The experience becomes intrinsically-rewarding or—in technical parlance—“autotelic.”
We have a powerful sense of control over the situation. We are captain of our own ship; master of this small slice of destiny.
The experience is intrinsically motivating. We do it for love not money. We do it because the activity itself is so incredibly enthralling that it’s its own reward.
More specifically, intense concentration on a limited field of information. Total focus on the right here, right now. Complete absorption in the present moment.
The challenge of the task at hand slightly exceeds our skill set so we have to push ourselves outside our comfort zone. But not too far outside. We have to stretch, not snap.
These are not big goals rather they are much smaller chunks. What’s critical is we know what we’re doing now and we know what we’re doing next so attention can stay focused in the present.
The gap between cause and effect is tiny—so we can always course-correct mid-flight.
Flow is not an all-or-nothing experience; rather it’s a spectrum experience.
Develop the power to hold focus and be super efficient to think faster without straining. In fact our clients relax their mind to focus, get in flow faster and end up enjoying reading more books. They usually double or treble their reading performance while boosting creativity while studying.
This six week programme will ensure you are set up to enter the flow state to achieve cognitive peak performance and prosper at incredible speed.
As students, trainers, coaches and athletes need to find new ways to innovate, because this is obviously the gateway for disruption and success in the new economy.
You know that flow can enable you to just make anything happen, at great speed with great accuracy and continuous improvement.
As humans, we really blossom when faced with hard challenges because they are one of the most powerful triggers of flow.
Join us at ''ELIMINATE THE ELEPHANT IN THE LOCKER-ROOM'' programme to create flow pockets every day and prosper at speed on your chosen sport.
Put theory into practice and achieve ultimate performance with Humans In Flow.
Find natural abilities and identify your path of least resistance.
See your performance change while you experiment with flow.
Purposeful projects will contribute to high flow intensity.
The most powerful way to flow is to flow together.
New date to be availble soon.
Limited to 20 places per session.
Limited to 20 places per session. JOIN NOW!
Use a Method Tested Over 17 Years to
Trigger the Flow State at Work
Your success at work is directly proportionate to your ability to process information at speed so you can stay relaxed, become more creative and execute your plans ahead of deadlines.
See the amount of days per year, that you will be saving, by improving your reading speed by just 62%.
We are challenging you to double your cognitive peak performance and we are certain that you will succeed!
Become 500% more productive and enter the zone every day!
There are certain conditions to consider before engaging in flow state coaching with us.
Get in touch to find out if we are a good match and understand how we can help you exceed your expectations while studying and practicing sports.
Send us a message or book your FREE Flow Path Consultation by clicking the button below.
Falling behind on your studied will hinder the progress on your chosen sport because you will have less time for practice.
Find out how to destroy the elephant in the locker-room by entering the flow state consistently while at practice to play or perform at your best as you can mentally focus on your challenges to grow stronger and more strategic.
Double the speed that you learn to succeed at school or uni and also to free up time to win the shining gold medal.
Awaken you capacity to focus on a book to develop your skill and mind even further, to innovate in their chosen field.
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